AGC’s CED Consulting Associate Aurora Warrior hosted the final North Slope Marketplace Workshop in Kaktovik on October 6th. AGC hosts workshops in each of the 8 North Slope Villages to promote AGC’s North Slope Marketplace Competition and other resources made available through AGC.

Working Side By Side Our Clients And Community Members
AGC staff members are no strangers in getting their hands dirty and working side by side our clients and community members. Pictured above is AGC’s Community Economic Development Associate Aurora Warrior working alongside tribal leaders of Wainwright in cutting up Beluga whale after an especially giving Beluga whaling season. Wainwright is one of the eight communities AGC serves that continues to rely on a subsistence lifestyle. AGC focuses on promoting economic opportunities to the communities of the North Slope so they can continue the traditions.
Logan Birch Meets With Linda McMahon
AGC President & CEO Logan Birch had an opportunity to join SBA Administrator and Presidential Cabinet Member Linda McMahon for lunch and discuss her priorities and how AGC can continue to be a successful SBA partner. Administrator McMahon was visiting Alaska to learn more about how the SBA can deliver more value and help create and grow small businesses across America. This was her first trip to Alaska, but judging by her reaction to the beautiful mountains and sunny weather, it won’t be her last!